2045 Lauwiliwili St #501 BLDG 5 Kapolei, Hawaii 96707 (808)543-2145 sales@surfboardfactoryhawaii.com

Egg Not

Simply put, the Egg Not is a squash tail version of our mid-length board, the eGG. With the increasing popularity of mid-lengths, we decided it was more or less a given that we offer a squash tail mid-length board. The Squash tail adds a little more area, lengthens the rail line, and has a more pivoty feel compared to a roundtail. The Egg Not is a great board to have in your quiver. When the surf is average, you’ll have plenty of wave catching ability and it will carry through sections but the board will still be loose enough to turn with ease. As a plus, when the surf gets a bit bigger, it still works surprisingly well! The Egg Not features a relaxed rocker on the front end of the board which helps with paddle speed, wave catching, and overall glide. The curve is a bit above average which translates to helping tighten the arc of your turns without giving up speed. The thickness of the board is a little on the thin side for a board this size. These leaner rails make the board easier to put in the water and also helps it hold better in bigger surf. Fin setup here is your call. For a higher performance feel we recommend a 4-fin setup. If you’re looking for something a little cruisier or more traditional feel do a 2 plus one setup.

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